

Blog / Review

Create blog posts and reviews in order to share information, advice, and experiences of daily-life in Japan. Interact with other City-Cost bloggers, leave comments to blog posts, and get others to follow your blog for more points. Learn more about how to create blog posts here: Tips For Your City-Cost Blog Posts

Question & Answer (Q&A)

Submit any questions you have about life in Japan. Images can also be added to your questions so others can understand exactly what you're asking. If users find an answer helpful, they should click on the 'Yes' button below the question. Answers selected as ‘best’ will be given extra points.

Points & Vouchers

Almost any action you perform on City-Cost is awarded points redeemable for Amazon Japan gift vouchers. All these actions, and their point value, are listed on your ‘My Page’. Points can be exchanged, once a month, in values of 500 (500 pts = one 500 ¥ voucher). Keep track of points on your ‘My Page'.

At City-Cost, we want to provide support for expats in Japan. Making ends meet can sometimes be challenging, so in a small way we hope these points can make life in Japan a little easier. And we want you to get as many as possible. So, the more active you are on City-Cost, the more points you will get.

Tell Us

Answer our questions to you in exchange for points, and help City-Cost help others like yourself!

Blogging Themes

Want to blog but stuck for something to write about? Look out for blogging themes on City-Cost that will give you blogging inspiration as well as help support expats in Japan.